Tuesday, December 19, 2006

New Blog!

^Eating French Chocolate Brownies, darn Sweet!!^

Ok, I think Window Live Space is not a good place for me to blog as the outline of the post always doesn't come out nicely. Even though I had tried to adjust it, and sometimes it's also difficult for me to edit or change the HTML codes, always hang in the middle or have to wait for a long time for the page to reload.

So from now on, I'll be blogging here! I hope that the pics that I had edited using Magical Maker will come out nicely with the effects at here as well!

Let's try one and see how's the effect...
Hmm, it's still the same, can't see the *shinning shinning* or *sparkling sparkling* effects!
Anyhow, just let it be first, at least I did add some layouts for the pic, so that it will not looks so dull and boring! *smile*

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